Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gender Politics?

"And you thought gender politics were past-tense here in progressive, fair-minded Washington. This state, after all, was first in the country to simultaneously have a female governor and two female U.S. senators, so electing women to the biggest political jobs in the land is no big deal", says Joni Balter the Seattle Times editor columnist.

Well to others, it is a big deal.  Looking back to the past presidential election, I watched a T.V program were a reporter went around the city of New York asking people who they were voting for.  Well, Caucasians said McCain, and Africans said Obama.  After the reporter asked all these people who they were voting for, he asked another important question.  Why?.  About almost all of the people he asked, most of them said, "I don't know."  So this goes to show, why wouldn't women vote for Patty because she's a girl?  A woman understands how a woman feels, so of course they would use that power to draw in more votes, from the women voters.

Which would bring me to something I saw a couple days ago, "Trust."  I recently saw an ad that seemed specifically for women.  "He wants to take away women contraceptives, and emergency contraceptives, he also wants to take away a woman's right to choose and make abortion illegal."  Nothing in the ad would benefit men, therefore making me think that Murray is targeting women to win this election, because every person in this world has made a decision based on race, religion, and gender.

Like i said earlier, Caucasians said McCain, and Africans said Obama and they didn't know why they were voting for them. Same goes for Murray, targeting woman, because she knows how they feel and what it takes to get them to say "Wow, that is so true! I'm voting for her!"


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