Thursday, October 28, 2010

Murray strikes again!

Democrat Patty Murray, trying to win an election against Republican Dino Rossi, sent out a piece of mail earlier this week.  The paper sent out had ballot measures and short summaries to go along with them.  Along with the ballot measures, was why you should vote for Murray instead of Rossi.  There were four sub topics and a brief summary to go with it.  The sub topics were Jobs and the Economy, Wages, Unemployment and Union Rights.

Under Jobs and the Economy for Murray it says she "successfully fought for job-creating federal funding" for schools, hospitals, military bases and roads for our state.  For Wages,  it stated Murray supports raising the minimum wage and voted against cuts in overtime pay.  The Unemployment topic says, "Murray wants to extend unemployment benefits for people who lost their income through no fault of their own."  Finally for Union Rights, "Murray sponsored the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) to restore the freedom to join unions without employer interference."

As for Rossi, it is completely different.  Rossi vows not to bring back the tax dollar back to this state and he voted to lower the minimum wage.  Rossi also voted to cut jobless benefits by $200 and also voted to completely deny benefits to the abused forced to leave their jobs in order to flee from their abusers.  As for Union Rights, Rossi voted against collective bargaining rights for state employees and is against the EFCA.

So far, while not looking into it so hard, I really haven't seen Rossi do as much as Murray.  Step it up Rossi, do something besides putting up signs and ads on Youtube.

The WA Federation of State Employees/AFSCME Council 28

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